Tag lifeofwinners

Biography of World’s Emperor – Money

Biography of Money

A Brief Introduction An old proverb in the Hindi language explains that it is possible to suppress all the sins of a person who has either money or knowledge. Both of these are such massive powers which could help a…

The 5 Real Luxuries of Life

luxuries of life

How much luxury in life is enough to satisfy a person? In today’s era, the word luxury is associated with wealth and fame. It is believed that the more wealth a person has, the more luxury he or she will…

The Real Problem With Spiritual Journey

The Problem With Spirituality

In the religious world, the whole problem is considered to be related to the mind. If godly satisfaction and happiness are not attained, then it is supposed to be due to the unbalanced mind. You can assume that your mind…

Doing Healthy Mind the Right Way

Doing Healthy Mind the Right Way

It is very evident that first comes the body, then the mind, and then comes the soul. While the entire animal kingdom lives based on physical needs, man has lived on the mental as well as the physical plane. Humans…

The Unconventional Guide to Attaining God

The Unconventional Guide to Attaining God

The real purpose of life is to attaining God. The rest are small milestones on the way, whether it’s family, money, property, status, or anything else. We need to differentiate between the two. The wisdom lies in keeping the junctures…